I am so happy to be guest blogging here at Stylish Solutions today. Heather was kind enough to allow me to try my hand at a "5 Free Decorating Changes You Can Make Right Now" post. She had such great ideas (like shopping your own home) in previous posts, I hope these are equally as helpful. Enjoy!
First decorating change might be the most difficult. †Get Organized! Organizing your space, especially a home office or kid's room will make a huge impact. Look for baskets and boxes around the house that you can use to collect items and papers.
Look at old things in new ways as the homeowner did in this bedroom design. Previously talked about was shopping your house...I say shop the garage and maybe even your neighbors' garages. Or go on Craigslist and Freecycle to find free things that can be salvaged and given new life in your home.
Decorate the inside of cabinets, hutches, bookcases to give them a new look. You can use wallpaper, wrapping paper, fabric remnants, and even small amounts of left over paint; things you probably already have in the house.
Use color to create interest. Gather similar colored accessories, anything from books to pillow to china, and display them in groups to make a bold statement. Shuffle colorful accessories, including artwork, around the home and create big spots of color on bookshelves, beds and sofas.
And the final of my 5 tips: streamline your space. This goes back to number 1, get organized. Clear the clutter from not just the horizontal surfaces but also the vertical surfaces. Try to create calm, soothing spaces where everything visible is pleasing to the eye.
So there are my 5 free decorating changes you can make right now. Hope you found them helpful and inspiring - perhaps you'll add some of them to your interior design ideas file. ~ SusiThis content comes courtesy of†Design Shuffle, where you can find and share talented interior designs from from New York interior designers, Los Angeles interior designers, and more, check out the latest at Design Shuffle.
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